Setting Goals and Achieving Success Prosperity is Self-Made, Information Book, Hudkins Publishing


This book is full of well-known facts about setting goals and staying motivated until success. I want to help you pull that shining star of accomplishment down from the vast sky of hope so that you can hold it close to your chest as a fulfilled achievement.

Many people fail to meet their goals primarily because they have a confused understanding of realistic goal-setting and self-motivation Methodology.

It will also shake up your entire perception of goal setting, often crushing your current unrealistic goals so that genuine achievement becomes possible. For some people, it is the destruction of the old to make way for the new. I am going to show you how to be realistic in your goal setting and teach you the proper methodology necessary to achieve it!

Regardless of the things you want to improve in your life, Setting Goals and Achieving Success is an extremely valuable resource that will help you accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible. It will teach you how to turn desires into reality.

I want you to experience the power of the methodology in this book to change your life. You will find out for yourself what you can do when you implement what you learn into your goal setting and achievement strategy. Actions speak much louder than words.